Heritage and Inheritance

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It is the properties the one leaves after his death, and the inheritance is the heritage.

There are two kinds of heritage:

  1. Objects that are estimated by weight, measure or number, such as gold and silver coins, barely and coins.
  2. And what is not estimated by weight or measure, such as real estate and land.

Importance of distribution of the heritage or inheritance

Undoubtedly, delay in distributing the heritage to those who are entitled to it leads to wrangling and severing the bonds of kinship. Some even resort to the lawyer and the court arenas to obtain their inheritance, which in turn may lead to the eternal severing in the bonds of kinship.
In addition, not all the heirs are rich, where some of them are poor and needy.
For that, the heirs should take the initiative to distribute the heritance without delay, and give everyone who is entitled to his/her right.

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legalconsultationae @gmail.com

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